I am requesting the movie: You Gotta Believe (not booked yet) for September 20
Saving Walden’s World
Documentary – 1 hour 29 minutes
September 28 at 12 noon
On September 28 the Peterborough Unitarian Universalist Church is sponsoring a one-time screening at the Peterborough Community Theatre for a very special screening of Saving Walden’s World (https://savingwaldensworld.org/).
Saving Walden’s World follows Jim Merkel as he sets off to three earth-efficient societies; Cuba, Slovenia and Kerala, India, searching for clues to save the world his son Walden will inherit. Along the way he encounters a force that could recover planetary balance – powerful women!
The film is an intimate journey to the leading edge of a massive planetary shift – where women have smaller families and over-consumers reduce ecological footprints. As population pressures ease due to rising female status and education, dozens of nations attempt to coerce more births, fearing fewer taxpayers, consumers and followers – and free women.
This event is free and open to the public
About Jim Merkel
Jim Merkel is a filmmaker, author, and educator who moved from military engineering to pioneering in simplicity. His book, Radical Simplicity, digs into the details of a globally equitable way of life. Jim worked as Dartmouth College’s Sustainability Coordinator and volunteers with the Sierra Club and other community organizations. He and his partner Susan Cutting and their child Walden live off-the-grid, growing much of their food, in a home they built with oaks and pines from their land in Belfast, Maine.
One-time screening on September 28 at 12 noon Free and open to the public at the Peterborough Community Theatre
6 School Street, Peterborough